Our Team
We are two photographers from Switzerland. We share our passion for photography in different genres. Starting with landscape, nature and city photography, over product and brand photography to people, fashion and art nude photography.
Chris Bangerter
My 5 Key Principles
Good preparation is the key for success, also in photography
Always bring a spare memory card and battery, trust me I know what I talk about
Try different angles and lenses for the same location
Don’t hesitate to go out and shoot in bad weather conditions, you’ll be surprised
Don’t copy others, but let them inspire you and find your own perspective
Canon Photographer
The best pictures are not taken by the most expensive cameras, but by the photographers with the best eye for exceptional composition. For me, photography is an escape from the hectic everyday life. Photography is about finding the best angle and capturing unique images. No matter if persons, animals, landscapes or products, everything has its own charm.
My actual gear you can always find in my blog:
Roger von Wyl
Sony Photographer
Es beginnt alles mit einer Idee. Vielleicht willst du ein Unternehmen gründen. Vielleicht möchtest du ein Hobby in etwas Größeres verwandeln. Oder vielleicht hast du ein kreatives Projekt, das du mit der Welt teilen möchtest. Was auch immer es ist – die Art und Weise, wie du deine Geschichte online vermittelst, kann einen gewaltigen Unterschied ausmachen.